Thursday, 22 September 2011

Coverage of the Niagara Health Coalition and Retired Teachers of Ontario Health Care Debate

The Niagara Health Coalition, part of the Ontario Health Coalition, together with the Retired Teachers of Ontario's local organization hosted a debate at the Port Dalhousie Royal Canadian Legion covering the health care crisis in Niagara.  The debate was well-attended because the issue has been killing Niagarans in the last few months but also because all candidates were invited.
"Candidates debate health care"
Erica Bajer of the St. Catharines Standard covered this all-candidates debate.  The story features the sharpest question of the debate: whether someone should be held accountable for the climbing death toll of the hospital infection outbreak.  I was the only candidate who said yes, elected officials should be held accountable, as the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions was warning that this would happen back in May but the politicians didn't listen, and in fact they are still warning that it will get worse.  I was also the first candidate to debunk the Progressive Conservative candidate's claim that eliminating the LHIN's would free up money for front-line health care (administration has to be paid for whether it's done at the LHIN's or locally), which one a lot of applause, and got most of the audience to applaud that this debate invited all candidates unlike the Chamber of Commerce debate the week before.
"St. Kitts candidates talk health care Hosted by retired teachers group, Niagara Health Coalition"
Scott Rosts of Niagara This Week covers the debate, leading with the question of accountability.  One correction: I had said we need 80 percent occupancy, 20 percent surplus, because that is what studies have found will inhibit infections.  Has a good photo of all candidates.

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